Self Care in a Cabin

When was the last time you totally unplugged from the world?

No phone, no computer? No TV, No Netflix, etc.?


I wasn’t expecting to completely unplug on our vacation but retreating to a mountain cabin can leave you with spotty reception. I couldn’t even use my GPS, which would normally be a nightmare for anyone who knows this “Directionally Challenged” Gal.

Fortunately, my husband had recently switched back from an iPhone to Samsung and the reception was working better than mine, so finding our hiking trails was no longer a problem.

With that, I went ahead and stopped trying to check emails, texts, and Facebook. BLISS!

I actually read a romance novel that I brought with me, soaked twice a day in the hot tub, hiked with hubby and our 20-month GSD, and enjoyed meals that were either grilled by my other half or pre-made by me (including my mother’s potato salad recipe) and heated up.

So, when we take some time for ourselves, we have a list we like to check when booking a few days for ourselves.

For me, I like to choose a place relatively within close driving distance. 6-12 hours, but 4 hours is my ideal. While my husband loves to drive, my hips and back ache to get to our destination sooner than later. Yes, I know it is supposed to be about the journey…

Hello Hot Tub!

Yes, 102 water in August for some would be out of the question but in the mountains, the temps have been 65, and the hot tub is an oasis for someone who has been missing a pool and soaking tub for just over two years now.

A grill is a must.

Since I am the main chef at home, this allows me a break from the “3 hots” a day routine. I design the menu so only a reheat, or putting a salad together is what is required of me. The majority is skillfully cooked by my husband on the grill and I can leisurely have a cocktail, soak in the hot tub, or read a book. If I play my cards right, I can do all three at the same time.

Without television, bedtime comes a little earlier than usual, and without an alarm clock sleeping in becomes the guilt-free norm for a few days.


To be sitting on the balcony watching the clouds roll in and out of the Blue Ridge mountains become our television. Listening to the birds is our music. Being greeted by a rare Luna Moth upon arrival and the happy chirps from a local hummingbird is what brings a smile to our faces. What more could one ask for on vacation? I’m sure you could think of plenty and everyone has their ideal vacation but when it comes to family getaways, this is ours. Hiking for the hubby, soaking in warm water for me, and Sir Whine-A-Lot just wants to eat, sleep, walk and well, whine! (It’s a German Shepherd thing).


Tell me, what’s your ideal vacation?