Shower Steamers – Lavender and Eucalyptus



If you prefer a shower to a bath, shower steamers are a great option. Rather than placing them into a tub, the steamer is placed on the floor of the shower. The water activates the fizzing reaction and releases the essential oils into the air.

The scent creates a spa-like shower. This recipe has lavender and eucalyptus essential oils. The recipe does contain quite a bit of essential oil. Because they don’t come in contact with the skin, you don’t need to worry about using too much.

3 in stock (can be backordered)



If you prefer a shower to a bath, shower steamers are a great option. Rather than placing them into a tub, the steamer is placed on the floor of the shower. The water activates the fizzing reaction and releases the essential oils into the air.

The scent creates a spa-like shower. This recipe has lavender and eucalyptus essential oils. The recipe does contain quite a bit of essential oil. Because they don’t come in contact with the skin, you don’t need to worry about using too much.

Set of 5

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
Time to time

From time to time during the shipping process, a steamer may not arrive in one piece, this does not affect the function of the product and can still be used as intended.

How to use

How to Use

Allow minimal water spray to activate essential oils to fill the steam present in your shower.

Place on your shower floor, shelf or soap dish, away from heavy water spray.

The essential oil is most present in steam from a hot shower in a fairly confined space.

Essential Oils

If you are pregnant you should check with your doctor before using products with essential oils. Because the safety of essential oils have not been tested for animal use, you should consult with your veterinarian before using any essential oil aromatics around your household pets.


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