The Gratitude Jar

The Gratitude Jar

The Gratitude Jar  If you've never tried this, you should. While I love a beautiful Journal, keeping a Gratitude Jar is my favorite way to track my blessings for the year.   Start with an empty mason jar. Any jar will do really, just make sure it is...

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Fish Tacos

Fish Tacos

When creating meals plans each week, I have a few go-to recipes that always satisfy and are easy to throw together. Fish tacos or tacos of any kind usually find their way into the dinner rotation at least every other week.Fish Tacos - Easy Recipe to Zip Up...

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Self Care in a Cabin

Self Care in a Cabin

Self Care in a CabinWhen was the last time you totally unplugged from the world? No phone, no computer? No TV, No Netflix, etc.?   I wasn’t expecting to completely unplug on our vacation but retreating to a mountain cabin can leave you with spotty...

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Incredible Potato Salad!!!

Incredible Potato Salad!!!

My All-Time Summer Favorite! Let's Make Potato Salad!!!   To me, there is nothing like a big bowl of potato salad for a summer party, picnic, or BBQ. Such a simple dish and everyone probably has a family recipe. If you don’t, that’s ok cause you are...

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Belmont Stakes!

Belmont Stakes!

Featuring Rich Strike at 9-2...   Last but not least in the trident of horse races, is the Belmont Stakes. While this year is not bringing the possibility of a Triple Crown winner, it is still an exciting day for us racing enthusiasts.  Rich Strike,...

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Preakness Stakes!

Preakness Stakes!

Rich Strike won't be featured...   The Kentucky Derby, two weeks ago, left many of us picking our jaws up off the floor when Rich Strike won. No one thought the 80-1 longshot would win and this upset will be talked about for years to come. While some...

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Derby Day is Here!

Derby Day is Here!

New Traditions... Sometime around 2015, my husband and I started a new tradition of watching the 3 big horse racing events together. The Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes. My husband's brain is like a sponge when it comes to remembering...

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New Moon in Aries & The Princess

New Moon in Aries & The Princess

Once upon a time... Once upon a time, long, long ago in a land far, far away, there lived a Princess and she worked in a beautiful garden on the outskirts of a bustling city. She loved the tranquility of her work in the early morning hours and would tend...

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Ostara  & Spring Equinox

Ostara & Spring Equinox

Have I told you how much I love Spring and why? It’s because the days get longer and summer is coming! I am a light and warm weather girl, for sure!! Today is the Full Moon and this Sunday marks the Spring Equinox and Ostara. Once upon a time, back in...

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Soap is Made!!!

The soap I made this month is a Rose Clay soap with Activated Charcoal. This soap is super great for those who may have oily skin or those that are suffering from breakouts, especially when you have to wear a mask all day.   I was waiting to make soap...

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New Moon in Pisces

New Moon in Pisces

It's March, I’m so excited!Usually, March is a dreaded month for me. It's the last month of winter. It's five weeks long. It's 31 days. And it just seems to take forever to get through to warmer weather. Now that we're living in North Carolina, Mother...

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Happy Birthday, Truddi!

Happy Birthday, Truddi!

It's hard to believe that this February, my mother, Truddi Chase would have been 87! It has been 12 years since she transitioned and this has been the first year that I have not gone into a deep dive of depression during the winter missing her so very...

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