Let me Introduce Myself

As Seen On

Oprah Winfrey Show

My Story

Kari Ainsworth is a life-long passionate cook whose background in the culinary world began with instruction from her Great Aunt and her mother. After her parents’ divorce, Kari became the full-time head cook and bottle washer for her father, great aunt, and grandparents.

Kari is a graduate of the IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She previously worked for 9+ years at the U.S. National Arboretum in the U.S. National Herb Garden as the Assistant Curator and holds a degree in Landscape Technology with a focus in Herbology.

Kari worked in the catering and restaurant field; cooking, baking and serving for a combination of 15+ years.

My Evolution

I began Kia Massage back in 2007 after moving to the beaches of Delaware. I had left the rat race and my government job in order to help others heal after 9/11. Through massage therapy and skin care, I was able to connect with my clients, help them on their journey to wellness and in turn work on my own journey. Many started asking about how to improve their health and increase their self-care and so I incorporated Health Coaching into my practice.

As my path shifted from massage therapy to health coaching, my business evolved and became GoRageous You. I wanted my work and life to be fun and a little outrageous. Through more self-discovery, I then embraced my first passion in life and Flavor Thyme was added to my multi-passionate entrepreneurial life. With the intention of getting people back to the dinner table, I offer meal planning and meal prep consulting services.

And now I am happy to introduce you to Moonbeams Unlimited. A place to find all the potions and lotions you will need to heal you mind, body, and spirit.

I am also a member of Polka Dot Powerhouse. This is an extraordinary group of women from all around the world. Polka Dot Powerhouse is an amazing and totally unique connection company for women and I am blessed to be part of such a terrific group.

In my spare time (Ha, Ha) I still offer facials & Dermaplaning and create custom-blended foundations in my home studio.

Kari Ainsworth

I have been searching for a practitioner that could understand where I was
coming from with past traumas. Kari was so empathetic and caring and was
able to help me recognize what was holding me back and offered tools to help
me move forward. I love working with her!
Rebecca M.

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